Monday Favorites: March 10

Because everyone does Friday Favorites, and why not give Monday some love?


Aquaphor Advanced Healing Ointment

Into the Gloss recently did a survey on the best moisturizing lip balms, and the top pick among commentors was Aquaphor. For the past year, I’ve been having ridiculously dry lips that peel excessively no matter how much lip balm I apply. I tried everything from Vaseline to Burt’s Bees and EOS, but NOTHING worked until yesterday when I bought some Aquaphor at Walgreens. Needless to say, one day later, I am totally mindblown at how amazingly soft my lips are. Also, I am no longer picking huge chunks of dead skin off my lip. Gross. Aquaphor is the next best thing to going to the dermatologist (which I should probably do anyway).


Asana task manager app

Yet another gem recommended by Into the Gloss. Asana is a task manager that allows you to create workspaces, projects, tasks, and subtasks then set due dates and priority levels. You can even assign them to friends and co-workers! I just got my mom on board with this, and we now share a workspace to motivate each other to do yoga every day. You can cheer your friends on to help them complete their tasks as well as comment on tasks you’re working on. I check my Asana to-do list religiously. The app is available for the Web and iOS, and there are various third party apps for iPhone and iPad.


Cloud Magic mail app

I despise the default Mail app on iOS (could Apple have created anything more clunky and slow?), so enter CloudMagic, which color codes all of my inboxes and updates my mailboxes practically real-time. Whereas Mail will send me notifications for new emails hours after they’re sent, CloudMagic is on top of notifying me within seconds. It also incorporates Gmail’s thread email system so all associated messages are in one neat place.